622 Allegheny River Boulevard Oakmont, PA 15139 (412) 794-8332
copyright 2008 Yarns By Design
All classes must be pre-registered and paid in full at least 72 hours in advance. Registrants may cancel up to 24 hours before the scheduled class (via email: info@YarnsByDesignPA.com, subject: class cancellation) and have two (2) months to reschedule. All late cancellations result in a forfeit of the scheduled class. Class fees do not include the cost of yarn, which must be purchased at Yarns By Design. Please do not bring in supplies from other retailers, everything you need is available at the Yarns By Design boutique. Students registered for a class will receive a 10% discount on supplies needed for that class. All classes with multiple sessions expire three (3) months from date purchased. We do not make up any time lost for tardiness, please arrive promptly.